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Lucky Enatama

Traffic Marshal Supervisor

Our team is so diverse, we come from all over the world, and I think this is what makes this team so unique. We all have various life experiences with different opinions and beliefs which helps to bring a diverse perspective across the board. Regardless of our differences, we treat each other with respect, honouring and valuing each other views and this is how it should be

I was born and raised in Nigeria and moved to the UK in 1988. A friend introduced me to the construction industry, and I currently work as a Traffic Marshal Supervisor on site. I enjoy knowing that my role helps to keep the site running smoothly and keeps everyone safe. Through my role, I continue to learn more and more about the construction industry, and I look forward to continuing to grow at DGP.

What does equality and diversity mean to you?

To me it means different citizens working together where no one is judged by their appearance and all have access to the same opportunities. Our team is so diverse, we come from all over the world, and I think this is what makes this team so unique. We all have various life experiences with different opinions and beliefs which helps to bring a diverse perspective across the board. Regardless of our differences, we treat each other with respect, honouring and valuing each other’s views and this is how it should be. Collectively as a team, we speak many languages, and I can personally see how this helps me within my role. I used to live in Italy and from time-to-time I converse with delivery drivers that speak the same language, it helps, and I can see it eases the driver.

How long have you been working for DGP and how did you come to join us?

I have been with DGP since 2016. A Mace manager that I worked with on a past project introduced me to DGP and my first site was Thomas Moore Square, where I started off in the security division. Ithen went on to train as a Traffic Marshal / Banksman. I am now working on this site as a Traffic Marshal Supervisor and enjoy seeing the project progress.

Do you feel supported and what is the atmosphere like within the team? Do you feel part of the team?

I feel part of the team and supported within my role at DGP. We all look out for each other and above all the communication from management is clear. This makes the day-to-day focused, the project runs smoothly and supports our team in working so well together. When there is poor communication, it causes confusion and can affect the way we treat one another. That doesn’t happen here. I feel and see that management cares. At Christmas, management took us all out, it is the little things like this that make a big difference.

Do you feel there are opportunities to guide you on your career journey with DGP?

Currently, I am happy with where I am but recently had a conversation with the Site Manager where we spoke about training opportunities, and he has since arranged additional training to further develop my skills in gaining an additional qualification.

What is the best site you have worked on and why?

I feel a strong and established relationship with DGP and I have thoroughly enjoyed every site I worked on so far. For me personally, what stands out the most is that I have been placed on projects from the beginning to end and that means a lot. It’s nice to have the opportunity to see the completion of a project, it shows me hope in that I have a promising future with DGP.